Scholfield Village Hall

Scholfield Village Hall


The Scholfield Village Hall at Skelton is available for hire.  The hall has a large meeting room with tables and chairs and has a capacity for 50 people. Click here for more detail 


Cost for hire is £10 per hour or £50 per day.

To book the hall please contact Andrew Crabbe, Parish Clerk on 01430 410383 or email


At present several classes from the U3A use the hall on a weekly basis for their classes and meetings.
The groups include:

Art, Papercraft, Playreaders, Poetry, Digital Photography, History Group 2, Ukulele and Horticulture


Scholfield Village Hall

Scholfield Village Hall

Scholfield Village Hall

This Hall is named after Edward P Scholfield. The following is an obituary to his father : It gives a measure of the man and an insight into the families care of the residents in the community.

August 25 1854 The Doncaster, Nottingham and Lincoln Gazette.

THE LATE Wm.SCHOLFIELD, ESQ – We have to record one of the most distinguished marks of sincere regret and respect, which has ever bee paid to the memory of any individual in this neighbourhood. The town of Howden has to deplore the loss of one of its worthiest and best of men. The name of the late Wm Scholfield of Sand Hall, has only to be mentioned, and the expression immediately follows, “There were few men like him,” but death, the common lot of all, has laid him low. In his own immediate circle the loss of a cheerful companion, a sincere friend, and honest upright and conscientious man, will be deeply lamented. Among the poor a sympathising reliever of their wants and sorrows will be deplored, and amongst hi sown tenantry and the inhabitants of the neighborhood in which he resided, the affable kind, and courteous demeanor of the departed gentleman, will not easily be forgotten. He has gone to his grave in a good age, having completed his 80th year. On Monday morning, August 14, the day appointed for the internment, the whole of the shops were closed, and everything seemed to wear the aspect of sorrow and of woe – even nature herself appeared to mourn the sad loss. The hearse was met on the road to Sand hall by the Rev. W. Hutchinson and the Rev. W. Sylvester, curates of Howden, and Mr. Gaggs and Mr. England, the surgeon and solicitor for the family-the tenantry following three abreast. Upon the arrival of the mournful procession at the Elm Tree, it was joined by the children of the Skelton School, wearing a black rosette on the left shoulder; then followed by a large number of clergymen, gentlemen, farmers, and tradesmen. The two clubs, of which the late Mr Scholfield was a life member, were represented by their officials, clad in long black cloaks, carrying their insignia. Such a spontaneous demonstration of respect and grief is not easily described; it required to be witnessed to be duly appreciated. Upon the entrance of the coffin within the porch, the body was received by the Rev. W. Hutchinson and the Rev. W. Sylvester, the former reading that portion of the service appointed for the church and the latter the service at the grave. The number of persons attending the funeral, &c. is estimated at about 1,500. Well may the gentry of this and all other neighborhoods take example from him, whose loss we deplore, since he was one of whom no one could speak but with respect and admiration. His death will be long and sincerely regretted.

Scholfield Village Hall serves the entire parish and is situated in Skelton Village, just behind the telephone box.

This beautiful old building was once the village school, and some of the residents today remember being pupils at the school.

The hall was bequeathed to the Parish by Mr Scholfield, the then owner of Sandhall Park who was known as a benevolent man with the community in his heart.

When the school closed the Woman’s Institute took over the running of the hall but finding that its upkeep was more than they could manage they asked the Parish council to take it on.

The Hall became a little neglected over many years but over the last few years, a group of enthusiastic volunteers from the parish, along with assistance from the Parish Council and the generosity of local Businesses have enabled the hall to be brought back to life. It is newly decorated, heating installed and a fantastic new fitted kitchen has been installed by Howden’s Joinery. This was such a generous donation for which we are very grateful indeed.

The hall is in regular use by the community and residents should know that the hall is available for hire at a very competitive rate and would be an excellent venue for parties or community groups (gardening group, art group, children’s club etc). Please use the contact button for further information.

The friends of the Scholfield Village hall would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Howden’s Joinery, Wrens kitchens, Ebuyer, Jewson’s, Carlisle DIY, Scott’s, MKM , and Olive Hunts for their generosity, along with all those who have donated items for sale or have given of their time.

We really hope that people will use and respect the hall and tell their friends what a lovely venue it now is.