
Parish Notices

Local Plan Review front cover

Click on the image above for the full plan


Vacancy for a Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer



Applications are invited for the role of Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) for Kilpin Parish Council to commence as soon as possible.


The successful applicant will be responsible for all aspects of administration and accounts / financial record-keeping and monitoring, booking classes and calendar administration of Scholfield Village Hall, advising councillors on a variety of Parish Council related matters. This is a part-time (20 hours per calendar month) home-based position which can be worked flexibly, however attendance at monthly Parish Council meetings is required (first Thursday in each month).


The role also includes an additional two hours per week caretaking duties at Scholfield Village Hall, ensuring the Hall is clean and ready for use.


Experience of local government administrative practices would be helpful but not essential.


Informal enquiries are welcome and can be made to the current Clerk ( or to the Chair, Mr Stephen Brett (


Please apply by application form which can be obtained on request from the Clerk on the above email.





Cllr Vacancy 

Residents are reminded that the Parish Council has a vacancy for one Cllr on the Parish Council - details of the vacancy can be found by clicking here  /_UserFiles/Files/Councillor_Vacancy_Notice_April24_Kilpin.pdf



Procedure for requesting private car-parking at Scholfield Village Hall  

The Parish Council is renewing and reissuing the procedure for residents wishing to park temporarily at the Village Hall.  This was first issued in March 2023 and can be found by clicking here




Initial Response to points raised at the Annual Parish Meeting  

The Parish Council recently issued minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting.  Although strictly speaking the minutes are not the responsiblity of the Parish Council, residents were invited to make amendments or advise of anything they felt was missing.  We have not received any response so we are treating the minutes as agreed and true.  The Parish Council will respond to all the issues raised over the forthcoming weeks and months and our first response document can be found by clicking here




How the Parish Council Communicates with its residents

Please click on this link for details of how the Parish Council communicates and consults with its resident and the public in general   /_UserFiles/Files/How_your_Parish_Council_Communicates_with_you_KPC.pdf 



The Parish Council has issued two updated notices with regard to its Cllrs and the dates of meetings for the rest of the year.

Your Cllrs can be found by clicking here /_UserFiles/Files/Notice _Your_ Councillors_as_of_May_24.pdf 

The dates of meetings for the rest of the year can be found by clicking here /_UserFiles/Files/List_of_All_Meetings_for_2024_Kilpin_Parish_Council_updated_as_of_May_24.pdf 



June.24 Parish Council Meeting

Due to the forthcoming D-Day Event on 6th June, the Parish Council is moving its ordinary meeting for June to the 13th June.  The full notice can be found by clicking here  /_UserFiles/Files/Notice_Change_of_Date_for_the_June_2024_Meeting_Kilpin_Parish_Council.pdf



May Meeting of the Parish Council

Due to the need to ensure quorum for the May meeting, Cllrs have moved the May meeting to Monday, 13th May.  The meeting will commence at 7pm and will be held at Scholfield Hall. The agenda and formal notice can be found under Minutes and Agendas on this website



Flooding Alert for parts of the Parish  

Unfortunately there is a flooding alert issued for parts of the Parish.  Details can be found here 

/_UserFiles/Files/Flooding_Alert_for_Parts_of_Kilpin_Parish .jpeg 



Vacancy for a Parish Councillor  

Following the resignation of Laura Kirkham, the Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - clink on this link for the full details /_UserFiles/Files/Councillor_Vacancy_Notice_April24_Kilpin.pdf  



Annual Parish Meetings

The Parish Council is issuing notice of two annual meetings for Kilpin Parish which are listed to be held on 11th April, prior to the Ordinary Meeting.

Annual Parish Meeting - this is actually a residents meeting in which they have an opportunity to speak to representatives of the Parish Council on what they wish Cllrs to focus on in the forthcoming year.  The meeting can be entirely organised by residents if they wish. In the absence of any residents wishing to do this the Parish Council is planning to hold this meeting as per the notice which can be found by clicking here /_UserFiles/Files/APM_2024_Agenda_and_Notice_Kilpin.pdf

 Annual General Meeting - this is a procedural meeting for the Parish Council in which matters affecting the Council are discussed, including the Chair and Deputy Chair confirm or otherwise their intention to stay in their respective office(s) and Cllrs take the opportunity to review key policies. The meeting is open to members of the public and full details can be found by clicking here /_UserFiles/Files/AGM_2024_Agenda_and_Notice_Kilpin.pdf

If you have any questions about either of the two above meetings please contact the Clerk in the first instance on 01430 410 383



Further Information on the Precept Increase for 2024/25

Cllrs have agreed a further correspondence in addition to the annual Precept Statement with regard to the reasons for the increase in the forthcoming new financial year.  You can find this by clicking here. /_UserFiles/Files/Open_Letter_to_the_residents_of_Kilpin_Parish_regarding_the_decision_of_the_Parish_Council_to_increase_ the_precept_for_the_financial_year_of_2024.pdf 



Parish Precept for 2024/25 

The Parish Council has decided on its precept demand for 2024-2025.  You can find a statement with full details by clicking here /_UserFiles/Files/Parish_Precept_for_2024_25_Statement.pdf ___________________________________________ 


Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

There is no scheduled meeting in January (in accordance with the Parish Council's Standing Orders) however Cllrs have agreed to hold an Extra Ordinary Meeting specifically to discuss and agree a number of financial matters not least for Cllrs to decide if to increase, decrease or keep the precept as it is.    The Meeting will be held on Thursday, 11th January 2024 commencing at 7pm.  Residents / members of the public are most welcome to attend this important meeting.  The agenda can be found in the Minutes & Agendas section of this website



Mr Rowland Jones

 The Parish Council has been made aware of the sad passing of Mr Rowland Jones and Cllrs would like to express their sincere condolences to his family.

Mr Jones was born in Wood Cottage, Sandholme then spent his childhood at Smithy Cottage next door to the Scholfield Village Hall in Skelton. After the renovations he was one of the 2 men who cut the ribbon to the village hall. 

He passed at the grand old age of 89 on 26th October 2023 and there will be a service at Haltemprice Crematorium Chapel on Wednesday 15th November to celebrate his life.



Scholfield Village Hall 

Did you know there is a wonderful community facility available in Skelton, for all sorts of events, from training and classes to parties and celebrations.  At a cost of £10 per hour and a total of £50 a day, this is one of the cheapest room hire rates in the area..... more details can be found by clicking on the link below for our latest flyer




Car Parking at Scholfield Village Hall 

Following a discussion by Parish Councillors at the March Parish Council Meeting, concerning car parking at Scholfield Village Hall, please be aware of the following:

 The car park at the Hall is private property, owned and managed by the Parish Council and provided for users of the Hall.

 However, the Parish Council will allow temporary resident parking, strictly by prior approval by contacting the Parish Clerk – or 01430 410383.

 The arrangement for resident parking will be for a maximum period of three days and is meant to be a temporary arrangement to cover particular circumstances which mean the resident is unable to temporarily use their own parking facility. Any longer periods of parking will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances and by approval of the Parish Council.

 The Parish Council reserve the right to refuse parking if this impacts on users of the Hall.

 The Parish Council reserve the right to take appropriate action if any of the above are breached.

 March 2023



New Logo for Kilpin Parish Council

Cllrs have agreed to a new logo / letterhead to give the Parish Council a clear identity - the logo shows our beacon with blue flames, reflecting the importance of the river to our community.  This simple but effective image will appear on all our documents and letters going forward.



Scholfield Hall, Skelton - new contact details

As of January 2023, if you wish to book the Scholfield Hall at Skelton, or if you have any queries on the hall, please contact the Interim Parish Clerk, Andrew Crabbe on 01430 410383 or by email on 


February 2017 
It's important to know that when someone suffers from Cardiac Arrest, for every second that goes by waiting for an ambulance, their chances of survival decreases.


Matthew Pickering Charity

Poster for Matthew Pickering Charity


New Heading Text